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Amazon Prime auto-renewal charges frustrate customers

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Amazon Prime auto-renewal charges frustrate customers

Canadians interested in a free trial of Amazon Prime got more than they bargained for – $90 more, actually.

Source: Amazon Prime auto-renewal charges frustrate customers

joshua minaya:
Why should Amazon charge so much more extra money i feel that is rather unfair to the Canadians.

Wow $90 is pricely! You need to be very careful with free trials, especially when you give credit card details for subscriptions. I have had so many issues with cancelling credit card subscriptions, It took me multiple attempts over 4 months to cancel my Xbox Live subscription!

joshua minaya:

--- Quote from: NewsHound on September 05, 2014, 07:43 PM ---Amazon Prime auto-renewal charges frustrate customers

Canadians interested in a free trial of Amazon Prime got more than they bargained for – $90 more, actually.

Source: Amazon Prime auto-renewal charges frustrate customers

--- End quote ---

i don't think a forced renewal should be used by Amazon .Rather they should let consumers decide really on what they want rather than forcing them to.

Most services like this are on auto-renewal. Amazon prime even sends out e-mails that let you know when your trial is going to expire so that you can cancel it beforehand if you want. It specifically says that you are going to be charged if you don't turn off the auto-renewal.

I have no problem with people getting charged for signing up to a service and then either forgetting to cancel or not paying attention to their emails.


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