Television sources > FTA Receiver Support

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--- Quote from: Bungo Pony on December 25, 2015, 05:56 PM ---It seems to work better after scanning Galaxy 19 and seemed to unlock all the advanced settings I couldn't find before. The EPG guide annoyingly interferes with changing channel (and does absolutely nothing) but I cant find a way to shut it off.

--- End quote ---

Try changing time synchronization from DVB to NTP in the Network menu. This will make channel changing a bit more responsive.

Bungo Pony:
I did that. Channel switching goes glitchy after a bit of usage and the sound disappears. This thing still reboots at random.

I put the box in shutdown mode instead of sleep mode. The thing ended up rebooting while it was shutting down, and then froze on the boot screen. I'm repeatedly finding myself holding down the button on the front of the unit because of it locking up on me from reboots.

I do a lot of feed hunting, and having this unit randomly rebooting and locking up upon the reboot is preventing me from using it for what I need it for. I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated with this unit and would like to send it back before I end up throwing it against the wall. I've wasted two days with it, changing settings with the hope of it being more functional. Instead, I keep finding more things wrong with it. This is by far the worst and most expensive receiver I've ever used.


--- Quote from: Bungo Pony on December 26, 2015, 12:04 AM ---So here's how this is turning out... I scanned about half the sky and figured I'd done enough for the time being and decided to enjoy what I'd scanned. The box started randomly rebooting, getting more frequent, and eventually locked up all together. I successfully restarted in safe mode and tried to restart the box again normally to no avail. I downloaded the latest firmware upgrade and installed it successfully. The machine rebooted AGAIN into safe mode.

This is not acceptable for a $200+ piece of equipment. I'm absolutely frustrated beyond belief at this. It worked nicely for a couple of hours, but I've spent more time configuring this unit than enjoying it, and now I'm spending more time troubleshooting it. This is the FIRST DAY of usage.

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Changing the time update mode from DVB to NTP should stop it from rebooting randomly. Also if your satellite dish coax is not grounded, you will need to do so by adding a ground block connected to a common grounding point as AzBox receivers have issues when used on ungrounded systems.

Once done in safe mode, you need to hold down on the 0 key while the unit is booting in order to switch back to regular mode as per the instructions.

Before reinstalling the firmware via safe mode in the future, you should first try to unplug the AC power cord for at least 1 minute after doing a proper shutdown or holding down the power button for 5+ seconds. Doing a cold boot like this often resolves the issues you have described.

As with any other FTA receiver, you should always save a settings backup on your USB drive right after you finish configuring it in order to avoid having to redo everything from scratch if a factory reset is required.

Bungo Pony:

--- Quote ---Changing the time update mode from DVB to NTP should stop it from rebooting randomly.
--- End quote ---

It reduces it, but it does not stop it.

--- Quote ---Also if your satellite dish coax is not grounded, you will need to do so by adding a ground block connected to a common grounding point as AzBox receivers have issues when used on ungrounded systems.
--- End quote ---

My coax is grounded

--- Quote ---Before reinstalling the firmware via safe mode in the future, you should first try to unplug the AC power cord for at least 1 minute after doing a proper shutdown or holding down the power button for 5+ seconds. Doing a cold boot like this often resolves the issues you have described.
--- End quote ---

I've been doing this often, but within half an hour it goes flaky again. This type of behaviour is unacceptable for any type of high quality FTA satellite receiver. I've had three other receivers on my setup in the past: a Sonicview SV-1000, a Pansat 2500A, and a Pansat 3500. I paid less than $10 each for them used. All these receivers were stable, reliable, and I left them on for days at a time without ever having to reboot or unplug them. I can understand the occasional quirk or bug with a receiver, but I expect it to be fairly reliable and functional. The AZbox is neither, regardless of all the potential this receiver had to be an excellent investment.

I bought the receiver as a Christmas gift to myself, as I wanted to upgrade from my old Pansat. The AZbox has given me nothing but trouble and headaches, and I paid just over $250 in total for it. It was not worth the money and I do not want to deal with it any longer. The more I use it, the more things I find wrong with it. External drive mount/unmount and formatting does not work at all. It stops displaying channels if I leave it browsing the channel list for too long. I'm done with having it drive me crazy.

I'm going to box it back up in it's original packaging with a copy of my receipt and mail it back. I expect to get a full refund. Thank you for the customer support, but I'm just not happy with this receiver.

Bungo Pony:
I sent it back today. It should be arriving at the end of next week.


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