Television sources > DirecTV
directv's costumer service
Do they just not accept incoming calls from Canada? What am I missing here?
They just block calls from outside the U.S. They don't take calls that are not on a U.S. area code. They are also very wary about people setting up their own systems and not having their install people do the work. You have to be very careful, when dealing with them. You best have all of your answers written down and ready to use, when they ask their questions.
So what I think is being danced around here is that DirecTV and other US Satellite TV providers are not "lawful distributors" in Canada. When you deal in grey market product or services you can't expect a friendly or reachable official method for resolving billing issues. Especially from a company that isn't supposed to offer you service. The best thing to do is pay them on time or use a Canadian service.
Well, I have had many dealings with direct tv over the years. Some of their service personnel are good and some are not, like any other company. I usually get them to make some concessions in terms of my bill. It is just one of the options that I can use if I am having a problem with Direct TV.
I've never had a negative experience when dealing with their customer service, especially now that they've merged with AT&T. I think they're more responsive now than they've ever been. The customer service reps are really helpful and understanding when I call in.
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