Television sources > Free to Air (FTA) Satelilte Television
1.2m Satellite Dish
joshua minaya:
--- Quote from: Satellite_fta on November 02, 2014, 01:21 am ---My satellite system is more like a summer project. But yes ... I would be happy to know there is a 1.2 m with a reasonable shipping. It will be on the next year list :)
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You are damn right i share the same feeling with you.
*** has a 1.2 m dish. It seems to be an American company but curiously, it ships from Toronto.
Here's the quote they gave me.
"We have 1.2m ku band solid dishes in stock and shipping. We can ship anywhere to Canada or USA. If you wish to purchase, the price is $229 USD (includes shipping)."
Mod edit: We don't mind posts referring to products sold by competitors as long as they have good business ethics. However, the competitor that you made reference to is a swindler who has a clear lack of morals and always does business anonymously so that he can run away at the first sign of trouble.
I STRONGLY suggest that you don't purchase anything from this vendor.
--- Quote from: Satfan3000 on December 09, 2014, 06:10 pm ---Any update on the launch of the new dish?
I understand the wind storm from a couple of weeks ago has kept you busy, but we are near the middle of December and it was suppose to be out the latest end of November.
It would be more for LaurieNicol. I won't be switching until the spring.
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The 1.2m dish is progressing well but we are still working on getting an appropriate shipping box for it. The first box sample we received was too flimsy to our liking and would not have been able to withstand the stress which would take place on it during shipping. We will soon be receiving a sample of a more robust shipping box which hopefully will be more appropriate for this item.
Unfortunately nowadays, it's not sufficient to have FRAGILE written on the box in our experience as it can still get handled roughly depending how far its going and of course the mood of the courier employee handling it. With an oversized item such as a one piece 1.2m dish, we simply can't afford to have damage occur during shipment.
Will keep you posted of our progress and we expect to have this product become available well in time before spring.
Is the new dish on display in your store?
Re: eBay supplier
Posting the information here about an alternate 1.2m dish, has generated the answer needed about the supplier and quality of the dish. I am happy to find out before I placed an order.
Thanks Dr Sat
Laurie in Ladner
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