Television sources > Free to Air (FTA) Satelilte Television

1.2m Satellite Dish

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The GeoSat pro 1.2m dish is not so readily available and shipping is expensive. Rumour has it, that the SatelliteHome sponsor (Dr. Sat) has a replacement 1.2m dish soon to be available. I, for one, am waiting to see what it will cost, and if it will be available to be shipped from Ontario to BC. Comparison to other dishes would be welcome.
Laurie in Ladner with a 90 cm dish on a pole and a DB8e on the roof.

Yes, me too. I hope it comes available before the snow flies because I have to get on a secondary roof to install it.

Would have been nice to have had this done back in the summer. I don't think there are much installations in the winter.

From what I've heard the Fortec Star is a cheaper quality. Others have done mods to the FS for stability. I don't want to go through the trouble.

Dr. Sat,

What is the status on the 1.2m dish???????? When will it be in??????

My satellite system is more like a summer project. But yes ... I would be happy to know there is a 1.2 m with a reasonable shipping. It will be on the next year list :)


--- Quote from: Satfan3000 on October 24, 2014, 03:32 PM ---Dr. Sat,

What is the status on the 1.2m dish???????? When will it be in??????

--- End quote ---

Still a few more changes to be made with the assembly instructions and packaging so we should be ready within the next few weeks, before the end of November for sure.


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