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Author Topic: CKPR Thunder Bay switches affiliation from CBC to CTV  (Read 3898 times)


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CKPR Thunder Bay switches affiliation from CBC to CTV
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:42 PM »
Bad news for OTA antenna viewers in the Thunder Bay area as they are losing CBC television as of September 1st since affiliate CKPR is switching their affiliation from CBC to CTV.  Apparently, they are more or less forced to do this as the CBC is discontinuing affiliation agreements by 2016 according to Dougall Media vice-president and general manager Don Caron.

The CBC just posted the following notice on their website which tries to shift the blame to Dougall Media when in reality, they are the ones to blame:

Starting Sept. 1 CBC Television viewers will find our programming in a new place.
Dougall Media, owner of long-time affiliate CKPR television in Thunder Bay, ended its affiliation two years prior to expiry of the agreement, and will no longer carry CBC programming.

As a result of the change, Thunder Bay viewers will get access to more CBC programming as local cable companies are required to provide a full CBC station as part of their basic package.

Many CBC stations are already available to​ Direct to Home (DTH) digital satellite subscribers.

If you received CBC Television programming from CKPR over-the-air, you will no longer be able to do so, effective September 1.

Please contact your local cable service provider or DTH for more information on where to find CBC Television programming.

New Channel Positions

CBC Toronto SD           Channel 210
 CBC Toronto HD           Channel 802


CBC Toronto
 Thunder Bay            Channel 2 
 Nipigon/Red Rock    Channel 12 
 Terrace Bay            Channel 12
 Atikokan                 Channel 5



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Re: CKPR Thunder Bay switches affiliation from CBC to CTV
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 06:26 PM »
Sad news, it seems that the CBC simply does not care about OTA anymore!  They expressed absolutely NO regrets at all about people in Thunder Bay losing their free access to CBC Television via OTA. 

If they actually cared, they would have at least mentioned something along the lines of "we apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause to our Thunder Bay viewers".  The CBC should be ashamed of themselves!
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Re: CKPR Thunder Bay switches affiliation from CBC to CTV
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2015, 01:05 PM »
It might be acceptable if CBC was a private company (profit based) but it is subsidized by Canadian tax payers!
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Re: CKPR Thunder Bay switches affiliation from CBC to CTV
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 11:51 AM »
Sad news, it seems that the CBC simply does not care about OTA anymore!  They expressed absolutely NO regrets at all about people in Thunder Bay losing their free access to CBC Television via OTA. 

If they actually cared, they would have at least mentioned something along the lines of "we apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause to our Thunder Bay viewers".  The CBC should be ashamed of themselves!

Why is it that CBC seem not to care about OTA anymore.


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