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Author Topic: Rogers and Shaw teaming up to take on Netflix with new on-demand video service  (Read 8144 times)


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Sounds like Rogers and Shaw are teaming up in order to combat "cord cutters" by launching a premium video on demand service called "Shomi".  Coming this fall to tablets, mobile, online, and Xbox 360 in early November for $8.99 per month. 

I believe their plan is to offer a service for people who only subscribe to their Cable Internet and not Cable TV.

Rogers and Shaw are set to co-launch a new service called Shomi (“Show me”) aimed at taking on Netflix.

Limited to subscribers of the two telcos and set to launch in November , the on-demand streaming service promises to offer more content sooner than Netflix, since both companies already pay content owners for their respective television offerings.

Pricing is not clear at this point, though content selection is expected to be broader than Rogers’s current Anyplace TV streaming, which is available for free to subscribers.

News of Showmi first came to light via in January .

Rogers and Shaw are set to launch Showmi at an event in Toronto on Tuesday morning.

Source: CART
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 06:02 PM by OTAWatcher »


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    • Dr. Sat - The Satellite Doctor
Interesting...  I guess this falls under the old adage "If you can't beat them, join them"!

As per their website at


Coming first in limited beta release to Rogers™ and Shaw™ Internet or TV customers
Suggested retail price $8.99/month
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    Always glad to participate in a new FTA forum.
Spelling is shomi. Streaming is too popular to ignore. Providers must seriously enter this arena or risk failure in the future.
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What's this a Me To attempt to compete with Netflix?  What are they offering more of the same useless programming?

Is this another nail in the coffin to oust OTA?
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This is essentially an attempt to increase the average revenue from their customers who have cancelled cable TV in favor of online streaming services such as Netflix along with free live TV sources such as OTA and FTA satellite.  Receiving an extra $8.99 per month from these customers is better than nothing plus they can make even more money selling advertising on the service.


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Spelling is shomi.

Thanks, I corrected my typo.


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Doesnt appear that this service will be HD.  But instead the service in 480p if people are lucky.

Plus, give it year.  Shomi will be $30+/month for HD service.  Plus there will be VOD and any other thing that they can think of in order to sell to their "valued shomi customers"

Read ya l8r,


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Don't think that it will be $30+/month anytime soon, at least not until they substantially increase their amount of available content.  At the very least, there should be no season gaps for the TV shows they carry.
Also keep in mind that they have to keep their price inline with Netflix and other similar services.

From what I'm seeing so far and from what I'm hearing from other people, the amount of content Shomi currently has does not yet warrant paying $8.99/month for it.  They will have to quickly add much more content if they expect people to stay after the 30 day trial period is over.

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The pricing point isn't my main concerned. I'm more concerned about the bandwidth and streaming quality. As a long time Netflix user I've noticed that the streaming has become slower and slower over the years. Any company that can overcome this, I would have no problem paying a little bit more for.


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They know they have a virtual monopoly and they behave like they do. No shocker at all. Things will get worse before they get better. To get better, people need to dump Rogers and Bell and even Telus. People need to stop signing contract and keep switching to the better deal. Customer brand/corporate loyalty is stupid loyalty. As I said from when Guy Laurence was first hired. He will be no different for consumers and possibly worse than the last guy.


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