Ever wonder what content is available on American Netifx vs. Canadian Netflix? Maybe you’re a big user of VPN services like
Unblock-us and are curious what content is on Hulu?
Moreflicks.com is perfect for answering questions like this. It gives users an overview of various streaming/download movie and television services like iTunes, Hulu and Crackle and shows what content is available on each platform.
It’s also perfect if you want to watch a specific movie, but you’re unsure which service that particular piece of content is available on. You can even switch between searching television shows and movies. Unfortunately it doesn’t include
CinemaNow in its search selection though .
For instance, the other night, my girlfriend wanted to show me the British version of Shameless. I typed the show into
moreflicks.com’s search engine and discovered that it’s available on Hulu, iTunes, Netflix and Vudu. Since I have a Netflix subscription, watching the show on that particular service makes sense. When I click Netflix, the site shows me a list of the regions Shameless is available in.
Thankfully Shameless is available in Canada, but if it wasn’t and was a British Netflix exclusive show, all I’d need to do is enter Unblock.us and change my region.
This information has been widely available on the internet for a while now, but moreflicks.com combines everything into one simple, easy to navigate website.