Phone providers > Wireless cellular

Who is your Cellphone Carrier?

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Although it may be unpopular, I use Tracphone. We have few options out here in the rural area, and Tracphone is one that is available for us. I actually like it because there are a variety of plans and phones available and, you can get service literally everywhere. This is one of the best things about being able to use this network. i find it to be one that is very useful no matter where you are.

I love trakphone but I use T-mobile. It doesn't really work where I live but I have no problems with it otherwise. As a matter of fact nothing really works where I live. Verizon can be spotty at best here but out of everything it works the best. (Best being an EXTREMELY relative term here)

It's also worth noting that AT&T worked wonderfully out here until they had that restructure a few years ago. That completely ruined everything for people that live in the middle of nowhere.


--- Quote from: kgord on December 27, 2015, 04:38 PM ---Although it may be unpopular, I use Tracphone. We have few options out here in the rural area, and Tracphone is one that is available for us. I actually like it because there are a variety of plans and phones available and, you can get service literally everywhere. This is one of the best things about being able to use this network. i find it to be one that is very useful no matter where you are.

--- End quote ---

You do know that Tracfone isn't an actual carrier right? They resell access to other providers networks. Tracfone doesn't have their own network.

T-Mobile. While I'm not a fan of their stance with Net-Neutrality and the like, they're really is not much of an option in my area. That being said, there service isn't bad and they have the right prices for phones. Still it would be nice to have coverage in more area.


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