Dr. Sat discussion forum

Television sources => Internet streaming => Topic started by: zubairkhan on April 19, 2017, 04:29 AM

Title: Need help to Unblock Youtube
Post by: zubairkhan on April 19, 2017, 04:29 AM
I am a citizen of Iran as all youtube is banned in Iran since 2009 i want to unblock Youtube can any one guide me how can I unblock youtube.
Title: Re: Need help to Unblock Youtube
Post by: markhascole on April 19, 2017, 04:38 AM
I had faced same problem but now i am accessing Youtube But using VPN.
Buddy you can easily unblock youtube from any where in the world may this article help you out
       Unblock YouTube From Anywhere (https://www.reviewsdir.com/how-to-unblock-youtube/)
Title: Re: Need help to Unblock Youtube
Post by: lesliekelley on June 24, 2017, 12:55 PM
Hi, Since a long time I am facing the same problem but I found a solution to use proxies or VPN. I am using Microleaves (https://www.microleaves.org/) and it works fine for me. Now i can able to watch all youtube videos.
Title: Re: Need help to Unblock Youtube
Post by: Smithyy1 on March 28, 2019, 06:51 AM
I had the same problem as you, I couldn’t connect to youtube. To solve this problem you can use VPN or proxy service. I found a solution with free proxy service. To unblock youtube (https://www.filterbypass.me/articles/unblockyoutube/) follow this link. Hope I helped you!