Dr. Sat discussion forum
Television sources => Free to Air (FTA) Satelilte Television => FTA Hardware Reviews => Topic started by: Pyro on November 07, 2014, 03:58 PM
I picked up a Geosat pro C1PLL LNBF - C-BAND from Dr Sat the other day, I had been looking to see if a PLL LNBF would do better than my BSC421 C-Band LNBF ( also from Dr SAT ) on my true 1M dish. I haven't been able to scan any new Tps as of yet( still testing ) but I have noticed better stability and a slight increase in Signal on the Tps I do get. Maybe someone that has a bigger dish getting the S2 signals may notice more of a difference ? Anyhow here is what I can get located just West of Toronto using an Openbox S9
3720 H 28800 @ 10 % locks in/out = S2 ?
3936 V 3000 @ 44%
3940 V 2480 @ 63%
3847 V 2199 @ 51%
3842 V 6111 @ 53%
3852 V 3531 @ 63%
3856 V 2940 @ 70%
3930 V 3680 @ 25%
3735 H 3775 @ 60% - but no lock
3776 H 3255 @ 53%
3789 H 1666 @ 51%
3791 H 1666 @ 49%
3820 V 26000 @ 56%
3848 H 25030 @ 71%
3880 H 30000 @ 71%
3901 H 1562 @ 58%
3904 H 2500 @ 56%
3911 H 10833 @ 72%
3920 H 3125 @ 53%
3924 H 3125 @ 50%
3928 H 3125 @ 50%
3931 H 1562 @ 40%
3936 H 1562 @ 53%
4000 H 26400 @ 49%
4020 V 15000 @ 71%
4144 H 3308 @ 44% ( Lotto Feed )
3710 V 4340 @ 23%
3960 V 2734 @ 46%
3807 V 6500 @ 40%
3825 V 6500 @ 20%
111.1 W
4167 V 9735 @ 40%
3704 V 2222 @ 42%
3821 H 3255 @ 25%
3877 H 4444 @ 39%
Impressive with a 1M dish!
also picked up 2 CBS channels on 95W @ 4167 V 6614 @ 70%
I'm sure the BSC421 LNBF would have also got this TP as well just had never tried.
I wish I had a bigger dish but sometimes you just have to work with you got
That 4167 transponder can be a bit tricky to receive on the BSC421 but it can be done.
The real test is to try and receive the 4060 V 28346 and 4100 V 28346 transponders on 107.3W. Can barely get these on the BSC421 after tweaking the focal depth and conical scalar ring placement so it should be a bit better with the C1PLL.
Mind you, this is off a 1.2m dish so it may not be possible at all on a 1m.
I put the BSC421 back on for fun and was able to scan a few more new TPs listed below. I tried for 4060 V 28346 and 4100 V 28346 on 107.3 but the best I could do was get better signal on tp 3807 v 6500 got it from 40% to 60% but nothing else new came in on that sat.
3720 V 38800 now able to lock in at 28%
4076 V 3000 @45%
4160 V 39270 @ 49%
Any other suggestions on some Tp to try ? What are you getting on your 1.2m Dr?
I changed the subject to vs BSC 421 since I'm now able to scan more channels with the 421
Add to the list :
3820 V 30000 @ 67%
4020 V 31250 @ 44%
3810 H 3253 @ 56%
4080 H 22760 @35%
Seems to me that the channels that are on the edge of staying locked on the 421 are not locking when I put on the C1PLL
I updated the title to note that this lnbf was the geosatpro version not to get this confused with the titanium version under the same name(hope to have one soon for comparison)
I changed the subject to vs BSC 421 since I'm now able to scan more channels with the 421
Add to the list :
3820 V 30000 @ 67%
4020 V 31250 @ 44%
3810 H 3253 @ 56%
4080 H 22760 @35%
Seems to me that the channels that are on the edge of staying locked on the 421 are not locking when I put on the C1PLL
Keep in mind that you are using a 1M dish which is VERY undersized for C-band. Your dish is actually receiving signals not only from the satellite you are aiming at but also both east and west adjacent satellites as it is not 2 degree compliant.
What this means is that being more sensitive, your C1PLL LNBF could be receiving not only a higher signal level from the satellite you are aiming at but as well a higher level of adjacent satellite interference which would greatly contribute in not being able to scan and lock certain transponders.
In order to do a proper performance comparison between the C1PLL and the BSC421, a 2.4M or larger dish which is 2 degree compliant must be used.
Agreed, take my findings with a grain of salt. If you were looking to see if you can get more out your undersized dish on Cband using the Gesoat PLL or DMS 421 then I would stick with the DMS. Could be a different story on a BUD ? Next is to test the Titanium C1 PLL that I go today, too bad we got 25cm of snow yesterday and its going take a while to melt before I can on the roof.
Finally got the Titanium C1 PLL on, so far best out of all 3 lnbfs. Better signal strength across the arc, anywhere from 1-10% increase and it still locked the weaker transponders that the DMS got but the Geosat would miss.
Very nice. I'm surprised you did so well with a 1m dish.