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Author Topic: Sony's 'The Interview' coming to Netflix  (Read 8462 times)


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Re: Sony's 'The Interview' coming to Netflix
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2016, 12:38 pm »
I have heard some mixed reviews on this one.  I have to say that I am not the biggest Seth Rogan fan or his comedy, but I do like the idea of the movie and I think that I will watch it.  Anything that makes light of political situations I usually find to be pretty entertaining, so I guess I can spend an hour or so and see what this one has to offer.  It does not help that I have heard it called the worst movie ever though by some people.


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Re: Sony's 'The Interview' coming to Netflix
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2016, 07:45 pm »
I heard The Interview is hilarious, so I will watch it just for the giggles.  It's a political satire comedy.  Not meant to be taken seriously, so I can't wait to watch it -- after I finish the remaining episodes of Person of Interest on my list.   


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Re: Sony's 'The Interview' coming to Netflix
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2016, 11:39 am »
Well I have an update for everyone.  After being reminded of the movie here I decided to watch it, also mostly because I just happened to come across it when I was extremely bored with nothing to do, and I have to say that it was pretty funny.  It is pretty much what I expected in terms of dumb comedies go, but it had some good moments that really had me laughing pretty hard.  It is worth an hour or so if you can find it for free.


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